Doug Burbank, Professor Emeritus


Research around the world! 

    At UCSB (2000-present), Penn State (1997-2000), and USC (1982-1997), I have had a dynamic group of graduate students, post-docs, and collaborators who engaged in various studies of how the earth deforms and how geomorphic processes act upon rocks in the terrestrial realm. In recent years, we have pursued projects in the Channel Islands in the Santa Barbara Channel, the jungle-mountain interface in NW Argentina,
the Nepalese Himalaya, and the Chinese Tian Shan. Graduate students, post-docs, and some undergraduates have been involved with each of these projects.

Tectonic geomorphology, collisional orogens, sedimentation and tectonics, and surface processes

Office: Webb Hall 1051

Phone: (805) 895-4708


Research Interests

Tectonic geomorphology; active tectonics; structural and stratigraphic evolution of fold-and-thrust belts and foreland basins; physiographic evolution of mountain ranges; kinematics of folding; basin analysis and modeling; analysis of digital topography; sedimentology; magneto-stratigraphy; thermochronology, Quaternary paleoclim-atology; glacial geology.

Research Sites


Figures from Tectonic Geomorphology (2012) Second Edition by Burbank and Anderson